No matter how excellent your company may be, your facilities say more than you ever could. You may have had an excellent interaction with a client, but if he or she sees smudged glass and gritty tiles on the way out, it won’t matter. At Plenum Cleaning Services, we understand the role that your facilities play – the impression they constantly make on anyone who sees them.

In our last blog, we shared some important questions to ask prospective data center maintenance companies. In fact, these questions are important if you are hiring a simple janitorial service. We have a few more for you in this blog!

  1. What are your rates?
    • You have the right to make sure you are getting the best quality work for the best price. Take the time to learn the company’s rates and compare them to others. You should also know exactly what you will get for your money, so make sure the contract is detailed and fully understood before you decide to move forward.
  2. Will the same person clean each time?
    • You may not care who does the cleaning. On the other hand, you may form a connection and prefer someone who knows you, your vision, and your facility well. If you prefer the latter, make it clear that you want the same person and go with the company that makes it possib’e.

At Plenum Cleaning Services, we understand how crucial data center maintenance and general commercial cleaning are to the success of your facility and your company. Let us help you. Call us today to learn more about our comprehensive cleaning services and how they can help you succeed in Arizona.