The way you present your business is as important as the product or service you sell. If your customers don’t feel welcomed and comfortable, they won’t be back.The good news is, it doesn’t take much to make people feel good when they visit your business. At Plenum Cleaning Services, we have been in the business of helping businesses for years, and we know the secrets to making customers enjoy their time in your office or facility. 

In our last blog, we talked about smiling at your customers and continuing to communicate even when they aren’t shopping with you. Today, we have two more tips for you!

Smile on the phone

Most businesses involve some amount of phone time. Whether you’re calling to confirm an appointment or follow up after a shopping experience, the customer can hear if you are smiling or not. Smiling is much more likely to get you a positive response, and when you’re running a business, every positive response counts!

Say thank you

At the end of every communication or transaction, make sure to say thank you.  This lets the customer know that you appreciate their business and you would like to see them again. If you don’t show appreciation, they are far less likely to show up at your door again.

Plenum Cleaning Services is proud to offer a fully array of professional janitorial services, including floor cleaning services. We also offer data center cleaning services, which means we can accommodate any need. Contact us in Phoenix for facility cleaning services you can’t go without!

Read Part 3